Maelea Amairgen's Faithweb

Maelea's Poetry

What's New

Samhain 2004

About Maelea

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Favorite Links



Merry Meet!!

This site is currently undergoing some heavy construction but please feel free to explore and check back as we add new features.

What To Expect?

The original Amairgens Faithweb site was born in the spring of 1998, and has since then remained largely unchanged.. until the fall of 2004. We have decided a face lift is in order!

You will not see any of the original material reappearing on this site. All of our former articles and materials have been donated to other sites.

Expect pagan oriented articles, essays and poetry! All new, and carrying on the Faithweb's tradition of providing accurate, ethical and responsible information to the community.

The changes will be ongoing and may take some time. In the meantime if there is anything you would like to see that is not on the site, please feel free to contact us at

Quick Links!

While you are eagerly awaiting the new site which is currently in the development phases, please refer to these excellent pages!

Please Note:

In an effort to support and share the many wonderful pagan sites that have helped and inspired us along the way, we will be placing many links on our pages which you may opt to follow.

Amairgens Faithweb accepts no responsibility for ensuring the accuracy or integrity of any site other than our own. If you find any of these links offensive, please contact us so that we may rectify the situation immediately.

Did you know?

Of the "Witches" murdered in North America during the "Burning Times", not a single one was actually a witch? The majority of the victims were christians. The burning times did much less harm to "witches" in any form than they did to christianity. Let us remember with deep respect all of the victims of this terrible time. Let us acknowledge that the burning times affected all people, regardless of religion.

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