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Who's the Boss Lady Around Here?

My name is Maelea Amairgen. I have been the owner and operator of this site since it's creation in the spring of 1998.

I am a practicing solitary eclectic pagan living in Chipman,NB, Canada. My path has been influenced largely by Druidism, Shamanism, Wicca, Earth Spirituality and a variety of other paths and traditions.

I have many interests including medicine cards, jewellery making, crystals and stones, healing, recycling, meditation, herbs, runes, reading, writing, tool crafting and meeting other pagans.

How I became Pagan...

I have been pagan as long as I can remember. In my early teen years I stumbled on a book and realized that there was an actual religion for people like me. It was a revelation and I have been learning and growing on my path ever since.

I am and have always been mainly solitary. I occasionally like to work with friends, but tend to shy away from structure and organization. Some people consider solitary pagans anarchists. I strongly disagree with this point of view. I believe it is important to have a strong pagan community and to work together on such issues as pagan rights, public awareness and networking. I also believe that our greatest strengths lie in freedom, diversity and individuality.

My favorite things about being pagan...

The most important part of being pagan, for me, is the connection to the divine and the sense of independance and capability.

Please feel free to contact me anytime!
Maelea Amairgen