Maelea's Poetry

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To Be A Witch

To be a witch
Is to know the true path
To honor your elders
To know your ancestors
To have a piece of the all
The past
To be a witch
Is to commune with the Goddess
To see with clear eyes
To worship with pure heart and soul
To be a piece of the all
The present
To be a witch
Is to work towards truth
To better yourself
To better mankind
To give a piece of the all
The future

Celtic Trefoil

This is a celtic symbol used for protection and good luck.


The sea is calling
rocking in her bed
the shore is chaos
attacking waves
crashing on her head

a chipmunk spoke a while ago
protesting the angry assualts
glared at the shore accusingly
alas it's not her fault.

The trees are standing silently
watching the battle below
where the shore and sea were calm
only an hour ago

The seagulls circle nervously
and watch the sky grow black
as the wounded waves retreat
and the next in line attack.

The Thrill Of The Hunt

We headed out early one morning
While the frost was still on the lawn
My father and I with our guns and supplies
hikes three miles from home before dawn.
A long walk through snow covered trails
watching and stopping to hear
A trace of movement, a broken twig
some indication of deer.

It was a few hours into the day
When we came upon a clearing
I knelt and took aim, fired two shots
and heard my father cheering.
We followed the bloody trail miles it seemed
Until we found our doe.
Her fawn standing nervously by the corpse
half covered in blood red snow

My father was grinning from ear to ear
The picture of fatherly pride
But I no longer felt the thrill of the hunt
as I stood there and tried not to cry.

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Not my Picture

I might just keep this one tho.. it's not so bad.


Who said all clip art is ugly?