
Maelea's Poetry

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Samhain 2004

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Our Favorite Pages!

Every now and again we come across a web site we find touching, inspiring, knowledgable or helpful and we appreciate all the hard work that goes into the creation and maintenance of these sites. This is our way of showing our gratitude and we hope you will take a minute to go see some of them!


New Brunswick Sites

Lunar Pagans Alliance

A group dedicated to uniting the urban and rural pagans of NB

Bright Paths

An eclectic pagan page by Anwen featuring information, poetry, experiences and articles.

Lunar Pagans Alliance Egroup

This group is for members and supporters of the Lunar Pagan Alliance

NBPG Egroup

The New Brunswick Pagans egroup

Other Fantastic Sites
A Mystickal Grove

Our favorite pagan community online - best message boards on the web and thousands of pages of information.

The Witches Voice

Our favorite news and networking site for pagans. See the listing for your province to find hundreds of pagans in your area!


An incredible astrology site featuring free and paid memberships.


got a link you just have to share? Email us!

We love hearing from you and this is the place for you to show support for the sites that have helped and inspired you on your path. Email us your favorite links today!