What's New At The Faithweb?

Maelea's Poetry

What's New

Samhain 2004

About Maelea

Contact Us

Favorite Links



Where is the rest of the site?!?!

Since it's creation in 1998, the Faithweb has remained largely unchanged. Now, in the autumn of 2004 we feel it is time for a face lift! You will notice that there have been a few recent additions, such as peotry and the Pagan Holidays section. I have also added a section about Samhain 2004 with pictures! Please bear with us.. good things are on the way!

Now is the time to let us know if there is anything you would like to see on this site. Please feel free to drop us a line with your comments and suggestions.

Other Projects

I am currently involved with the Lunar Pagans Alliance, a group dedicated to introducing and supporting pagans in the province of New Brunswick. For more information or to get involved please visit us at:


You can also view some pictures of our recent Samhain Gathering by clicking on the link to the left.